Elves and gobbos feel a little mundane for a fantasy sports game after the wonders, horrors, and straight-up babes of Blaseball. The Ian Games Network got the scloosie and explain BB3 “will feature the new edition rules, teams - like the new Black Orcs and Imperial Nobility - units and their associated skills.” IGN say it’ll have campaign and multiplayer modes, and pack 12 teams at launch, and some sort of post-launch content updates will follow. While full details for Blood Bowl 3 the video game aren’t confirmed yet, I can tell you that the tabletop Second Season Edition does have Snotlings so it’s gonna get pathetic. Our Nate recently talked about how frustrating Blood Bowl 2 can be, partially due to being an “all-too-faithful” adaptation of the tabletop game and partially because the video game isn’t helpful enough with the arcane rules. “Still, and despite all of that, the cruelty of Blood Bowl 2 has its moments,” Nate said. “There is a zygote of fun, at least, in that swamp of mean-spirited bathwater. I laughed, and laughed, and laughed, genuinely free from all bitterness, when a bog-standard human swung a punch at Slamadeus Grozart, the troll who held together the front line of my team, and killed him stone dead. After a season where hundreds of punches had been thrown both by and against my team, and the worst that had happened had been a scattering of mild injuries, the sudden intrusion of mortality – and afflicting the most durable player on the pitch, too – captured the sublimely weird humour of the ‘goofy has died’ tweet.” Maybe the new tabletop rules will be nicer? Maybe the new digital adaptation will be friendlier? Blood Bowl 3 is coming to Steam in “early 2021”.