“In a world from the mind of Dion Koster, where self-styled crews are equipped with personal boostpacks, new heights of graffiti are reached,” say Team Reptile. “Start your own cypher and dance, paint, trick, face off with the cops and stake your claim to the extrusions and cavities of a sprawling metropolis in an alternate future.” Team Reptile say that you’ll be free to jump, grind, trick, and airdash your way around the city. Each stage of the game takes place in a neighborhood representing a different time of day. Your goal is to find and tag as many spots as possible with your name. Oh, and “you will encounter a lot of weirdos,” apparently. Hideki Naganuma is composing the soundtrack, a name fans may recognise as one of Jet Set Radio’s composers. Naganuma was also involved with Team Reptile’s Lethal League Blaze. RPS quite liked LLB, calling the basebrawling party game “an extremely confident sequel that improves on just about every part of its predecessor,” in our Lethal League Blaze review. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is coming sometime in 2021, Team Reptile say. You can find and wishlist it over on Steam in the meantime.