Selinger’s announcement is over on LinkedIn where he says he’ll be leaving the company after 22 years. “I would like to express my gratitude to the company that has allowed me to develop and fulfill myself for half of my life,” he says. “Techland, I will always be rooting for you, as well as the great people I have met thanks to you. I wish you that Dying light 2 and subsequent projects will become world hits.” Following Selinger’s post, Techland have circulated a statement to several sources, confirming his departure and ending with mention of “exciting news”. After Dying Light 2’s initial delay in January of 2020, Techland responded to rumors in May that development was going poorly by saying that the game was in good shape and in good hands. Despite being one hand down, Techland seem eager to get this year off with some positive news of their own. We will be sharing exciting news about Dying Light 2 soon! Back in 2019, Matt Cox (RPS in peace) got a look at Dying Light 2 and had plenty of positive things to say about it. That’s been a year and a half back, so plenty may have changed since, hopefully for the better. One way or another, it sounds like we’ll find out, well, “soon”. Dying Light 2 may not have shared much last year, but Dying Light got a new DLC after several years.